Everyone Deserves A SuperHero

Year 13!!!

Donate directly to Minneapolis Toys for Tots campaign here.

For the 11th year, Marcy Darling, Beauty Operator/Dare Salon is an official collection site for the Minnesota Toys for Tots campaign. As usual, between November 20 and December 16, Marcy will be offering a 10% discount on full price services for clients who bring a toy/s to donate.

Additionally for the month of December, DARE Minneapolis will participate by donating 10% of sales split between two organizations than align with our community-minded value system—Voices for Racial Justice and Outfront Minnesota, AND we continue to donate 5% of profits year-round.

This Holiday Season, shop with your conscience, shop local, support the arts, and help us put your dollars back into the community. Let’s be the change we want to see!!!